Thursday, April 30, 2009

The Mitchell Family.

Bailee and Miles were sick of me by the end of this! I took them downtown to an alley and then on a few more little walks to some other locations. It was windy the entire time, but sometimes it worked in our favor. I used two different lenses, my 24-105mm F4 zoom and my 50mm F1.4 fixed. We ran out of light toward the end and the whole process made me realize how much I need to work on! I am really bad at giving direction, let's just say that.

Thanks, Mitchells!


Melanie said...

You are Awesome Sarah! You did a Great job! I think you meant to kids are bad at taking direction!! I am only hoping we haven't ruined our chances of getting our pics taken by you again! Maybe in a few weeks after you recover we can try to get that family pic, hopefully, minus the wind this time! Thanks! mel

Ash said...

Those are great Sarah!!! I want to see ALL of them : )

Lillie said...

These are great Sarah! I love the one of Miles and his skate board. Awesome. I'm so with you on the direction part. I feel like I have to really psych myself up for it before and get prepared to make a fool of myself in order to get some emotion out of them... SO hard sometimes.

LuCDay said...


Latisha said...

I LOVED these!! You did great!

Josh, Kim & Kids said...

I LOVE these. Wish you lived closer so that our family could benefit from your amazing work. Maybe next time your in town we'll have to buy some of your time!